10 Secrets to write simple posts

We want to give you 10 real tips to help you write the best post on your blog. Knowing how to make a good post on the Internet is the real key to web positioning. We explain some aspects that are easy to apply and that will undoubtedly be very useful for you.

What structure of the post for SEO do I have to follow? Where do I begin? What are the steps when writing a good text to position? We tell you not only the structure of the post, but also some practical 10 tips on how to write the best post.

Structure of a post for SEO

Before giving you the advice to write it, we will first talk briefly about its structure. There may be countless reasons for you to write it, but you must be clear about a minimum structure of a post to position yourself well that you must follow.

Whether it is for a professional blog, personal or even for more scientific articles, there are a series of guidelines to take into account to structure it.

Eye-catching headline

Like all writing, it is clear that you are going to need a eye-catching headline. Something that generates that interest, that engages your audience. It shouldn't be too long and if it's not eye-catching, make your audience identify with it. Sometimes content is shared without reading it completely.

You can ask your audience a question, or promise to solve a problem in your headline. Listings in the style of “5 advantages of…” also work very well in this type of case. Even something as simple as referring to a current topic in your sector or creating controversy.

Abstract with hook

In the first paragraph, even the first lines, they have to know what they are going to find. What have you decided to give them? What advantages will they have if they continue to read you, because their time is money. So raise the benefits of spending their minutes reading you.

Original introduction

Surprise visitors. Launches questions that would be asked at home. It is a way to keep them reading, so take care of the beginning as well, not just the content of the body. If you don't get your readers to reach the content, you will be losing a lot of audience. And it would be a shame if the content is of quality but you have not managed to make an impact at the beginning.

Organized body of the post

Think that this is the strong point. If you can get readers to this part, you've got their attention. Get them to stay because of the quality of your content. Work on it and design an organized body in the post. And we're not just referring to creating the content (now we'll explain how). Organization of ideas above all. If a word scheme helps, do that first. Close with a call to action

As important as capturing attention is calling them to action. Leave a good taste in the reader's mouth with an original closing that motivates them to follow you in some way. Think that you have written the post for some reason: he has invested his time in reading you and you have invested your time in writing for him.

Now that the two of you are at the same point, invite him to one more advantage: subscription, free download, monitoring, offering the quality services he needs... The call to action at this point will also be essential for close a good structure of a post focused on web positioning.

We hope that after these 10 tips on how to write the best post you will have clearer ideas. Not only when writing, but how to try to position it. Although we have talked about very basic aspects for SEO, remember that it is a very complex and constantly evolving world.

If you prefer that we apply the web positioning also with your blog, do not hesitate to contact us.

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